Saturday, May 2, 2009

Derby Day

First Saturday in May. But when you hear "the sun shines bright . . .", realize it may well not be true this day. We seem to be in something of a monsoon season. Maybe May showers will bring June flowers this year. Hope everybody has a great day - turn on the television and join in the singing.


Keith said...

Lucy, I was in Vermont on Derby Day visiting Donna's relatives, and I did indeed join in the singing of "The sun shines bright..." to the utter astonishment of my Yankee in-laws. I was the only one who knew the words. These New Englanders are SO provincial!

Charlotte said...

I love Cousin Stephen's music, but I don't watch the Derby anymore. One too many lovely animals sacrificed to the ambition of its human owners for me. I have always loved horses and competition but the feeling that something terrible may happen grows stronger the older I get. I remember Daddy the mighty hunter reaching the point where he could not bear to shoot a single bird to train a dog - this the man who used to shoot the limit with the same number of shells every time he went hunting. It seems to me that there is something about getting older that makes us treasure life - all life - more.

I grew up around horses and can still remember the way their skin smells on a hot summer's afternoon - delicious.

Mary Lucy Franklin said...

Charlotte, - I agree the past couple of years have been pretty awful.

And Keith,- you must teach your Yankee family the words before next year.